Turn Words Into Money

"The Secret to Becoming a Millionaire Is Simply Using the Right Words!"

You are a headline away from retirement…

Imagine How Your Life Would Change If You Discovered Just 17 Magic Words That Could Earn You a Fortune!

There is a very good reason why they call Ted Nicholas the “Millionaire Maker.”

Ted is responsible for helping more people become millionaires than perhaps anyone alive today. Many of these new millionaires consider themselves very ordinary people.

In case you are not familiar with Ted’s work

Here are a few salient facts:

Began his first business at age 21. Had £493.53 in savings £59,223.64 and in debts
Founded and sold 23 successful companies. Is known as the “Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur”


Started his first direct marketing business with a £55.52 classified ad

Has sold over £246,765,184.19 worth of his own products and services

Earned over £616,912.96 in royalties for writing a single 1,000-word ad

Earned over £616,912.96 from a single speech

As a copywriter and speaker, Ted may be the highest paid communicator per word in the world.

Ted has decided to reveal all his secrets for the very first time.
We proudly announce the publication of Ted’s new book, “HOW TO TURN WORDS INTO MONEY.”

Whether you are or aspire to be an entrepreneur, executive, salesman, public speaker, author or copywriter, this book will literally change your life.

You don’t have to take anyone’s word for how powerful the book actually is. You take no risk whatsoever. You may read it and apply it for 60 days. Experience how it works for you before you decide to keep it.

Here is a small sample of what you will get from the book:

Discover the easiest way to sell anything to anybody
How to write a “killer” headline in 17 words or less that can make you a millionaire

How to get more people to say “yes” in your life this includes friends, clients and bosses

How to never again experience the pain of rejection

How to build the number one skill you need for success in any business endeavor

The secrets of “word leverage”. Imagine being able to earn £616.91 and more for every single word you speak or write!

Discover the least understood communication skill and earn millions as a result

How to utilize today’s most effective marketing techniques

How to generate money-making ideas that skyrocket your wealth

Why the size of your IQ matters little compared with this easily acquired skill

41 action tips that will immediately help you trigger breakthrough ideas

How to overcome the 17 commonly accepted myths which may be blocking your path to real success

Discover Ted’s “Ice Cream Cone Theory” that will revolutionize your financial life

The most important question you need to answer in business that you never learned about in school

How to create a wining Unique Selling Proposition (U.S.P.) for your business. You simply cannot succeed big without it

The best way to find “Super Star” employees

How to dramatically increase your energy without changing your diet

10 little known Million-Dollar sales secrets you can use in any business

Nine secrets of preparing profitable space advertising

33 secrets of successful sales letters

How to create effective “teaser” copy for the outside of your envelope which can double response from your sales letters

38 ways to use FREE the most powerful word in any language

Today’s most effective low-cost way to launch a hot new product

How to prepare a “killer” sales letter that will work anywhere in the world (Proven techniques that transcend language barriers!)

How to profit big time from public speaking, especially if you presently shudder with fear 19 action tips

Secrets of preparing a book that sells and you don’t even have to write it yourself

How to choose a profitable book topic

How to come up with a title that practically assures you’ll have a best seller

Secrets of T.V. commercials and Infomercials that can earn you millions

How to prepare profitable Yellow Page advertising, a key to the success of many small businesses

How to get rich both acquiring licenses for products and licensing your products around the world

Why it’s crucially important for any wealthy person to keep the all-important subject of money in proper perspective otherwise it will do more harm than good